Check URLs

Automatically check the URLs of your site to detect broken links


extensions string[]

The list of extensions this plugin applies to

[ ".html" ]
strict boolean

True to require trailing slashes and ignore redirections (oldUrl variables)

ignore string[]

The list of URLs to ignore

external boolean

True to check external links

output string function

To output the list to a json file


This plugin check your internal and optionally external links in your website and warns when a broken link is found.


Import this plugin in your _config.ts file to use it:

import lume from "lume/mod.ts";
import checkUrls from "lume/plugins/check_urls.ts";

const site = lume();

site.use(checkUrls(/* Options */));

export default site;

Default checking

The default configuration will check all your internal links and warns you when a broken link is found. This plugin is compatible with redirects: when a link to a non-existing page is found, but it redirects to an existing page, the url is considered valid.

Strict mode

There's a mode for a more strict detection:

  strict: true,

In the strict mode the redirects are not allowed, all links must go to the final page. This also affects to the trailing slashes: for example /about-me is invalid but /about-me/ is valid.

External URLs

By default, the plugin only checks internal links. But you can configure it to check links to external domains:

  external: true,


This option can make the build slower, specially if you have many external links, so probably it's a good idea to enable it only occasionally.


By default, the broken links found are shown in the console. Use the output option to export the list of broken links to a JSON file:

  external: true,
  output: "_broken_links.json",

Or use a function for a custom output:

  external: true,
  output: (brokenLinks) => {
    console.log(`${brokenLinks.size} broken links found!`);

The brokenLinks argument is of type Map<string, Set<string>>: the map keys are the broken links found, and the Set<string> the pages where every broken link has found.