
Set the layouts to render the pages

Layouts are templates that wrap around your content. They allow you to have the source code for your template in one place, so you don’t have to repeat things like the navigation and footer on every page.

Layout files are loaded from a special directory named _includes. This directory can contain not only layouts but other files, so a good practice is to save them in a subdirectory like _includes/layouts.

In the following page, we have defined the variable layout with the name of the template that we want to use:

title: This is the front matter
layout: layouts/main.vto

# This is the page content
Here you can write Markdown content

Lume has support for many template engines. In this example, the layout file has the extension .vto, used by the Vento template engine:

<!doctype html>

<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>{{ title }}</title>

      {{ content }}

Lume will search for the file _includes/layouts/main.vto (note that all layouts are relative to _includes directory).

The template can use any variable from the page, for example, title to render the title, and content with the rendered Markdown content of the page.

Layout data

Layouts can have additional data that will be merged with the data from the page. Note that variables defined in pages have precedence over the variables in the layouts. This means that you can set default values in the layouts and override them within the pages.

A layout can be wrapped around another layout. Just set a layout variable in the front matter. In the following examples, the layout uses the layouts/main.vto layout as a wrapper.

title: This is the front matter
layout: layouts/page.vto

# This is the page content
Here you can write Markdown content
title: Default page title
language: en
layout: layouts/main.vto

<article lang="{{ language }}">
    <h1>{{ title }}</h1>

  {{ content }}
title: Default main title
language: en
<!doctype html>

<html lang="{{ language }}">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>{{ title }}</title>

      {{ content }}